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Blog: New Next

A type of new media that does not exist to this day is the constant use of virtual reality in everyday environments. Currently, virtual reality exists, but on the aspects that it is mostly seen to be used for  entertainment features. With little development to this field, it is hard to imagine a world where we are constantly using this for convenience. However, I believe it is possible to implement the use of virtual reality for other fields, such as education. Some aspects of education that can be implemented is a virtual field trip, where students are able to imagine the environment of being in a different place. This can also be super beneficial for distance learning too because one may like to experience the aspects of learning in a classroom and this can be done through virtual reality. Another application to virtual reality that can be potentially added is the use of exercising environments. Due to the arising pandemic, it has been harder for people to exercise outside or visit t
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Blog: Wiki So Far

Through the use of Baruch's New Media wiki site, there have been various topics that have interested me such as Gaming and Retail. I was interested in writing about Animal Crossing: New Horizons because of the hype surrounding the game ever since it was released on the Nintendo Switch. With first hand experience on game-play, I thought it was would useful to provide information as well as research everything the game has to offer. I have added this game under the Nintendo Switch section in Gaming. I think this game can relate to New Media because it gives a different form of communication to interact with others around the game. I intend to possibly research about another game to add into the Gaming section. Another section that I have added material to is Retail. I have added additional information under the Uniqlo App. The information that was currently listed in the wiki seemed outdated as Uniqlo does not currently offer anything listed there. I've researched the app'

Blog: P2P

File Sharing is the use of an internet connection in order to transfer data from one person to another. With the ability to share files across the internet, one is able to receive data regardless of their location. It is certainly common for users nowadays to be sending files using online features, as it is more convenient. An example is the use of Google Drive. Google Drive gives the ability for users to upload documents, photos, music files, and more to share it with other individual users through either email or a direct link of the folder.  On the other hand , P2P File sharing (peer to peer file sharing) is the act of using a P2P software program with a direct connection between two people on a network to gain access to media files such as movies, tv shows and books. A widely known software for P2P sharing it BitTorrent. These files are often known to be distributed for free. There is always a risk of distributing files in this format because not all files are legal. In &q

Blog: Privacy

Privacy and confidentiality continues to be a main issues through the use of new media. The increased use of digitalized media has raised concerns on who might see their personal info or who might have access to their personal accounts. Hacking has become a big issue in digital age. There is always the risk of information being released without one's permission when providing information to companies because of uncertainty of events that may happen. In the article, "Target works on security-heavy credit cards, after breach," Target mentions they experienced a security breach and that led to the leak and exposure of 110 million customers of their personal information and credentials. They have aimed to encrypt user personal data, so it is harder to hack. Another issues is that social Media websites may have a complicated system of rules in order to keep certain posts or photos private. A great example showcasing this is Facebook. In the article, "Facebook Privacy is

Blog: Advice

With the sudden changes made due to the pandemic of COVID-19,  it is definitely important to incorporate new media in Baruch College with the courses it offers. With a readily available course on new media, it is a good start to provide insight on the changes in uses of technology and it will be useful for students to learn about the different kinds of technology it may be able to provide for the college. As a new hire of Baruch College, I would like implement more uses of social media in order to provide more information about the different activities and courses available, as well as create a page in order to listen to concerns students may be having. Although there are social media pages for Baruch College, it seems that there is very little engagement and interactions. It would be best if students are able to communicate their concerns and expect responses from these social media sites for feedback. Another way new media can be used to improve the college is the use of virtual

Creativity and New Media

I am currently playing Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. When first downloading this application, you are first presented with choosing the clothes, hair style and accessories for your character. This allowed me to express myself through a character and what kind of clothing i am more attracted to. It also allows you to decorate a camper van, which showcases the ability to create and showcase what my ideal house decorates or what kind of furniture i am interested in. Although this game is not super ideal with real life, it gives the experience of catching fish, shells, or bugs and helping other animals by completing requests in order to earn bells (currency on Animal Crossing) or supplies in order to customize your camp or camper the way you want. Below are images depicting how the game works and the customization of my camper van and campsite, as well as the activities available on the game. As I continue to play this game, I will be able to further customize myself with ease when I am

HW Creativity

New media is able to foster creativity because it allows one to be self-expressive about what they love doing and what they want to show to the world. Some examples include the use of Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Youtube has a wide variety of content for viewers to enjoy, which includes, make-up tutorials, make-up product reviews, food adventures, gaming, comedy, video blogs, music playlists, how-to videos, and much more. People who make videos on Youtube often also ask for viewer opinions on what types of videos they would like to see to please its consumers. In "How user-generated content can improve your social media marketing skills," they mention the different ways that can bring more consumers to enjoy one's content more. Some of these include, incentives, such as promotion codes and discounts through sponsorships, direct conversation with consumers through community blogs, and truthful thoughts through reviewed products or content. People are more likely to do